Translation Disclaimer

This website and the documents that can be downloaded from it have been machine translated from English to other languages using Google Translate, a third-party service provided by Alphabet, Inc., which performs all translations directly and dynamically. Idoneus provides these machine translations as a convenience to visitors to convey the essence of Idoneus. The official and original text is the English version.

Machine generated translations may contain inaccuracies, errors, or misstatements. Idoneus does not own, manage, or control any aspect of Google Translate and is not responsible for the machine translations provided by Google Translate. Idoneus does not guarantee or make any representations regarding the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the machine translations. The machine translations should not be considered exact, certified, official, authoritative, or endorsed by Idoneus. Idoneus shall not be liable for, without limitation, any direct or indirect loss, damage, or other harm resulting, connected to, relating to, or arising from any inaccuracies, errors, or misstatements contained in the machine translations. Any discrepancies or differences between a machine translation and the official English version are not binding and have no legal effect for any purpose including, but not limited to, compliance of enforcement. Viewers rely on the machine translations at their own risk.

By using these machine translations you understand and agree to this disclaimer in its entirety. If there are any questions regarding the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the information presented, please refer back to the official English version.